Hannover Milano Fairs China Ltd.


5.13 - 5.16 2026

Italy Milan

Transpotec Logitec is an integrated 360-degree business and content platform for transport and logistics development. A representative offer of all the components of the market. Located in what is now considered the first national logistics center and one of the main hubs with European-world markets (Lombardy), Transpotec Logitec is an international exhibition with a particular focus on Europe, the Mediterranean Basin and the Balkans.


Industry Sectors
Logistics, Spare Parts, Maintenance and Transportation Infrastructure


Hannover Milano Fairs Shanghai Ltd.

301 B&T Pudong Office Tower
393 Yinxiao Rd, Pudong
Shanghai 201204
Tel: (86) 21 20557000
Fax: (86) 21 20557100

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